Their research on a parallel virus is published today in the journal Nature.
ability of HIV to infect human cells and reprogram them into
virus-making factories has frustrated efforts to combat the
sexually-transmitted infection for decades.
University of Minnesota scientists have discovered clues about this
process of “viral replication” that could improve treatment.
X-rays to analyze an Avian virus that resembles HIV, the researchers
tracked how the virus creates enzymes called integrase that attack
healthy cells and infect them with their own genetic material.
other viruses arrange these enzymes in clusters of four to claw their
way into host cells, the Avian virus surprisingly forms them in clusters
of eight, according to the results, published Wednesday in the
prestigious scientific journal Nature.
this process of viral replication gives researchers a better chance at
creating effective medications, said Hideki Aihara, lead author of the
paper and a molecular virologist at the university.
existing antiretroviral drug cocktails include medications that inhibit
integrase from infecting host cells, HIV can grow resistant to them.
“There are
known mutations already against the current integrase inhibitors,”
Aihara said. “So It’s really important to keep studying and trying to
come up with new drugs.”
HIV is no
longer the killer it was 30 years ago — thanks to advances in
antiretroviral medications — but it nonetheless is a severe, incurable
infection that comes with a variety of risks and complications.
has reported about 300 new infections and 90 HIV-related deaths each
year for the past decade. Roughly 8,000 people in the state carry the
so-called RSV virus in Aihara’s study causes cancer in chickens and is
genetically similar to HIV. As a result, researchers believe the
findings could prove applicable to HIV infections in humans.
In the same issue of Nature, Boston researchers reported similar findings using a virus that causes tumors in mice.
Next up are studies with the HIV integrase enzymes to prove that the same process exists in the human virus.
The work
with RSV was painstaking, Aihara said, requiring several years to create
a crystalline form of the virus’ protein complex for analysis, then
another three years of number crunching with the help of the Minnesota
Supercomputing Institute to confirm the precise positions of the
molecules within the complex.
Researchers from the Cornell and St. Louis universities collaborated in the project.
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