News Editor for Complex Sports. @cyuscavage


Image via USA TODAY Sports/Jake Roth
Back in July, about two weeks after his controversial racist rant leaked out, Hulk Hogan accused Gawker founder Nick Denton of leaking it. Gawker denied Hogan’s accusations at the time and said that “no one from Gawker had any role in leaking that information,” but it seems Hogan’s lawyers weren’t satisfied with that explanation. So they asked a judge for the ability to investigate what role, if any, Gawker played in the leak.

It took the judge some time to hand down an official ruling, but on Wednesday, Circuit Judge Pamela Campbell revealed that Hogan’s lawyers will be permitted to search certain Gawker employees’ computers, servers, emails, and text messages for any evidence of them leaking the racist rant. It sounds like they will be limited in what they can look for—they’d better hope Gawker employees were dumb enough to use words like “racist” and “Hulk Hogan” if they did, in fact, play a role in the leak—but it’s a win on some level for Hogan, who is trying to catch Gawker doing something they shouldn’t have been doing.

Either way, Hogan still has to deal with the consequences of what he said during his rant. Stay tuned for additional updates.

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